ordinances as well as protecting and assisting our local wildlife and domestic pets on the island. Our goal is to keep our residents and visitors safe as well as maintain and protect our ecosystem. We will respond to injured or diseased wildlife complaints and transport them to appropriate facilities. One of our most common issues is incidents with dogs off leash or runaway dogs. “I would like to remind the community to make sure to keep their dogs' collars and tags on so that we may be able to identify the owner and vaccination status of the dog,” added Kittrell. On Feb. 11, the Family Vacation Rental Group (FVR) donated more than 150 towels, blankets and dog leashes to the Isle of Palms Animal Control Department. “We are incredibly grateful for the donation of items to help the animals of Isle of Palms,” IOPPD Animal Control Officer Sean Kittrell stated. “Support from our community partners like this ensures our success in our daily mission to serve all those who live, work and visit our wonderful community." The Animal Control Division of IOPPD serves our community by enforcing animal-related laws and 9 IslandVibesIOP.com FVR teams up with IOP Animal Control to keep pets safe and warm By Mel Miles, FVR Committee Member Photo: Pictured (from left) top row: Lieutenant Forsythe, Councilwoman Ashley Carroll (Carroll Realty), Win Walker (Carolina One), Deputy Chief Thompson, Mel Miles (Exclusive Properties), Animal Control officer Kittrell, Corporal Postell, IOPPD Sgt. Matthew Storen, Aine O’Brien and Tamlyn Strickland (Carroll Realty). Bottom row: Shelley and McKenzie Miles (Exclusive Properties) and “Tilly.” BUSINESS FVR, comprised of 25 local and professionally-managed vacation rental companies, has been recently organized to improve communication and livability with our residents. We are committed to being responsible and caring members of the Isle of Palms community. We believe that by working together we can create a harmonious environment that benefits the residents and vacationers who all love and cherish IOP. Thank you for welcoming our group; as your neighbors, we look forward to working together so that our island remains a wonderful place to live, work and visit!