Island Vibes March 2024

o answer this question, I think we’d need to first contemplate the general hazards, statistically, to those of us who typically choose walking as a preferred mode of transportation. Distractedness tops the list of dangers to pedestrians, whether it’s a distracted driver or a distracted walker. Aggressive, impaired and reckless drivers are among the chief distractions that contribute to otherwise avoidable collisions. The human element of pedestrian peril comes with a multitude of factors to consider when assessing the danger of any roadway. Age is one factor, with pedestrians on either side of the age spectrum, 7 OPINION Is the IOP Connector safe for pedestrians? By Laura Fogarty T young children and the elderly being generally at a higher risk of getting struck by a vehicle or otherwise being injured while walking. Pedestrians often contribute to collisions by jaywalking, not following traffic signals or walking on roadways without considering real-time traffic situations. The CDC reports that one wrongful pedestrian death occurs every 75 minutes in our country, but it doesn’t have to be this way with a little extra vigilance on the part of drivers and walkers alike. Since the re-striping and lowering of the speed limit on the Connector, DOT officials have noted a decline in accidents. With the reconfigured bike and pedestrian lanes on a 2-mile stretch of the connector, 3 feet of additional space to vehicle lanes were added, improving the safety along this section of the East Coast Greenway. The East Coast Greenway is a 3,000mile national bike-pedestrian corridor along the East Coast, stretching from Maine to Florida. According to their website, which maps and codes each section of the greenway, the Connector is not deemed a high threat area. Which leads me to the opinion that running, walking and biking the IOP Connector can be safe as long as we all pay attention and stay in our own lane. Photo Provided by Open 7 Days a Week 8:00 AM - 9:00 PM (843)-242-8934 1517 Palm Blvd., Suite A Isle of Palms, SC The Refuge ISLE OF PALMS SINCE 2016 Tuesday: Steak Night Wednesday: Live Music Sunday: Lobster Night Weekly Events