Island Vibes Feb 2024

Steve is a seasoned estate planning and tax attorney, and Anna works alongside him as his legal assistant. They are part of the family law firm Slotchiver & Slotchiver, founded by Steve’s father, Irvin Slotchiver. The firm is a family affair, including Steve’s mother and brother. Together, they have guided generations of Charleston families through managing their estates. The couple’s faces light up when asked about their favorite island activities. “We are 22 PEOPLE & PETS Meet Your Island Neighbors! By Sonya Buckhannon The Slotchivers he Slotchivers have made the island their beloved home for nearly a decade. Anna hails from a small town near Hickory, North Carolina, famous for its furniture craftsmanship. The quaint town, affectionately nicknamed “Catfish,” holds a special place in her heart. Steve, on the other hand, is an IOP native through and through. His family moved to the island in the early ‘80s, making him a true local in every sense. The Slotchivers have been proud residents of IOP for nine and a half years, moving here the same month their daughter was born. “We knew IOP was the perfect place to raise a family,” shared Anna, reflecting on their decision to settle in this serene coastal paradise. Pet of the Month Jasper, the revolutionary retriever By Isabel Alvarez Arata asper, aka Hambone, is an English Yellow Labrador Retriever. English Labs are similar in appearance to American Labs but tend to be stouter with shorter legs and broader builds. Like their American counterparts, English Labs are known for being friendly and eager to please. Active and highly trainable, they make excellent pets; Jasper is no exception. Jasper is 4 and a half years old and has never met a stranger. His favorite pastimes include playing on the beach, golf cart rides, boating and hanging out in the yard while his human owners, Park and Tricia WIlliams, enjoy cold beverages. Jasper came from the same breeder as the Williams’ previous Lab, Cooper. His family put a great deal of thought into naming him. After lengthy deliberation, Jasper’s family agreed to name their new puppy after Sergeant William Jasper, the renowned Revolutionary War hero who gained fame during the Battle of Sullivan’s Island. “We spent a couple of weeks looking for a fun, historic Lowcountry J T foodies,” said Anna. “You’ll frequently see us enjoying dinner with friends at one of our preferred IOP restaurants.” But their love for the island isn’t just about the food. They cherish their time spent at the beach relaxing, playing games, walking and indulging in Anna’s favorite hobby — shark tooth hunting! The Slotchivers feel they are living their best life on IOP. “We often tell people we live on vacation,” beamed Steve. The couple values the strong community bonds, the recreational events for their daughter and the simple joys of beach life and leisure golf cart rides around the island. “There’s no better place for our family than IOP,” concluded Anna, perfectly encapsulating their love for their home. name,” said Jasper’s dog dad, Park Williams. On Jasper’s first day home, Williams and his wife, Tricia, had a neighbor stop by to meet their newest canine addition. Upon seeing him, the neighbor immediately referred to Jasper as “Hambone,” and Jasper’s backup name was born. True to his breed, Hambone loves a good meal. “His favorite food is whatever he’s eating—he is a Lab,” joked Park. “He will do anything for one of his favorite biscuits from @islandogs524. Jasper has some treats named after him called Jasper’s Training Bits, with his handsome mug adorning the package!”