If you like working with revenue projections, financial statements, budgeting processes, costs for long-term projects and all the details that go with them, you could have an opportunity to become the financial analyst with the City of Isle of Palms. The new full-time position will not only solve a long-standing concern with administrative staff, but is intended to better handle the growing responsibilities of the city. “The financial analyst position has been in the budget for the past two years,” said IOP Human Resources Manager Janice Ladd. “With the timing of Debbie Suggs retiring as the finance director and the hiring of Debra Hamilton, we decided to wait for Debra to onboard and decide the needs of her department.” As of March 13, Ladd had received five applications for the position. The primary responsibility of the new hire will be to plan and execute accounting functions. Some of the duties and required skills for the position will include: • Skilled in forecasting, including revenue projections, debt service, capital outlays, personnel cost and operational cost for current and long-term projects, including developing and analyzing information pertaining to market price fluctuations and industry trends. • Develop and update resource plans and financial models for budgeting processes. • Streamline accounting software with budget model and financial statement presentation. • Summarize data or other non-quantifiable information, setting forth current and long-term economic indicators, business trends and environmental factors pertinent to tourism, inflation rates and other revenue and expenditures. • Evaluate federal and state laws for changes in policies that change or affect funding through grants and other governmental sources. • Review and evaluate all city contracts for compliance and future financial impact on the city’s financial projections. • Evaluate other investment opportunities for the city’s investment accounts. • Evaluate demographic trends including growth or aging population as it pertains to the financial impact of the city. • Develop and implement automated reporting and forecasting tools to enhance data utilization and provide actionable recommendations. • Create a system to reconcile State Accommodations Tax, County Accommodations Tax and city licenses (business and/or short-term rentals) and perform periodic audits. • Assist with other accounting functions including monthly and quarterly reconciliations and reporting, budget preparation, year-end calendar processes and the fiscal year-end audit. • Monitor and manage job costs for both major and minor projects. • Oversee fixed asset schedules, including departmental asset sales and proper insurance coverage. • Knowledge of the theory and practice of governmental accounting. • Knowledge of federal, state and local laws pertaining to the administration of public funds. The financial analyst must also be able to analytically solve routine and emergency problems as they arise. Interested candidates are encouraged to visit the city’s website at Online Application for Employment and submit an online application, resume and cover letter by April 7. For more information, visit cognitoforms.com. NEWS 7 IslandVibesIOP.com City seeks first-ever financial analyst By L. C. Leach III POINT • SCAN SUBSCRIBE IOP WE Keep a piece of Isle of Palms with you no matter where you live. We will mail you POSITIVE VIBES anywhere in the U.S.