The pride of Isle of Palms, SC today, tomorrow and always. Vol.3 Issue 4 April 2025 To read digitally, visit The conversation continues at WILD DUNES GOLF COURSE RENOVATIONS See Page 5 KERR NAMED NEXT CITY ADMINISTRATOR See Page 3 CITY HIRES FEDERAL LOBBYING FIRM See Page 8 Photo by Rachel Basye DAYLIGHT SAVINGS MORE TIME TO SOAK UP THE SUN (Page 9) THEN VS NOW PAST BEHIND THE PRESENT (Page 28) FROM THE ARCHIVES NEWS FROM YESTERYEAR (Page 26) PAR-fection Spring fun in full swing
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a candidate was improper and was not a full council decision. “We never had a vote to add him as a candidate.” Bogosian added that while Kerr is a “great devoted city employee,” his Bring a Taste of New Orleans to Mount Pleasant & Park Circle • 843-990-9416 Enjoy Crawfish, New Orleans BBQ Shrimp, LoLa's Mac N’ Cheese and more! 1036 Chuck Dawley Blvd. Mt. Pleasant & 4830 O’Hear Ave. North Charleston Kerr named next city administrator, internal hiring controversy explained By L. C. Leach III 3 NEWS After serving nearly three decades as an Isle of Palms employee in various building, planning and zoning capacities, interim city administrator Douglas Kerr is now firmly in the position, following a contentious 6-3 vote during a special council meeting on Feb. 26. Kerr’s hiring came approximately two months after former city administrator Desiree Fragoso stepped down at the end of December 2024 to take a position with the Municipal Association of South Carolina. Her pending departure led city officials to conduct a national search through Find Great People to fill the vacancy. The filing deadline for the position was Dec. 31, 2024 during which time Kerr initially did not apply for the job before changing his mind. As an internal candidate Kerr was added to the mix after the external deadline passed based on discussions at the administration committee and council. "We can confirm that Douglas Kerr applied,” said Christin Mack, FGP manager of public sector executive search. “Based upon his application review by the Administration Committee, he was selected to move forward in the interview process." Kerr’s resume rose above the other 79 applicants and three finalists. His 28 years serving with IOP in various capacities was cited as a key reason. “Douglas was the only real choice we had,” said Councilman Blair Hahn. “He was the only candidate with experience managing a fire department, police department, recreation department, business community and a major resort with two golf courses. None of the other candidates’ experience in these areas came close.” Councilman Rusty Streetman added that Kerr was his first choice partly because of his knowledge of “all the projects at hand and all the priorities we have on the island.” Some of these priorities include: Ongoing beach renourishment efforts to battle erosion; adopting a Sea Adaptation Plan to address rising ocean levels; hiring a new deputy administrator; building official and financial forecaster and presenting the city’s new Comprehensive Plan. “There are numerous initiatives to be done over the next two years,” Kerr said. “However, I think the two biggest tasks will be getting the island’s beaches back to a healthy condition and sealing the back side of the island off from tidal inundation through drainage projects and a flood barrier to be built into the Wild Dunes golf course and the elevation of the Waterway Boulevard path.” However, Kerr’s appointment sparked concerns among three dissenting council members – John Bogosian, Katie Miars and Scott Pierce. Bogosian said the entire process of Kerr being added as Continued on page 8
Every spring, our beautiful barrier island falls under attack by an unwanted visitor. No, I’m not talking about our lovely tourists. I’m talking about the gross, green-yellowish gunk derived from flowers that covers everything and everyone. It’s a sneezy state of affairs on the Isle of Pollen. As of late, this powdery nuisance has raised havoc on our nasal allergies. Achoo! Spring cleaning is one thing, but I’ve had enough of spring sneezing. Achoo! Excuse me. It’s time to fight back. For everybody in the struggle, including myself, here’s a brief guide from for beachgoers to help best avoid pollen and alleviate your allergies. It’s not foolproof, but neither is sunscreen or bug spray. • Plan ahead Pollen is typically higher in the early morning (5-10 a.m.) and late afternoon (3-7 p.m.). Head to the beach later in the morning or early evening for a more comfortable experience. • Pack the goods Bring antihistamines, nasal spray, eye drops and tissues to manage symptoms quickly. • Stay hydrated Drinking plenty of water helps keep your respiratory system in top shape and prevents dryness from saltwater and pollen. • Shade yourself A tent or umbrella The Isle of Palms Community Yard Sale hosted by the IOP Recreation Center on March 22 was a family and pet-friendly event and a lot of fun for sure. Although I love these photos, what they don’t illustrate is how engaging everyone was on this special day. Our fantastic sales rep Sheri Rose (pictured right) and myself attended the yard sale and set up an Island Vibes booth. The booth was great, but instead of waiting for people to come to us, we would stroll up and down Hartnett Boulevard between 27th and 29th avenues, handing out copies of Island Vibes and Mount Pleasant Magazine. We talked to residents, to folks thinking about moving to the island, to those who have island investment properties and live in Mount Pleasant and others who just wanted to see what the Isle of Palms yard sale was all about. When you’re on island time everyone is friendly and the conversations are pleasant. Like the one we had with Trish and Pete who moved here from Pennsylvania. When Sheri handed Trish the March issue of Island Vibes, she told us they always put a copy in the Sea Cabins where they have a short-term rental so their guests can Community is priceless 4 FROM THE CREW The pride of Isle of Palms, SC today, tomorrow and always. Publisher’s Note From the Editor Isle of Pollen Island Vibes Vol. 3, Issue 4, April 2025 PUBLISHER BILL MACCHIO PUBLISHER@ISLANDVIBESIOP.COM MANAGING EDITOR ZACH GIROUX EDITOR@ISLANDVIBESIOP.COM ART DIRECTOR BETHANY LONG COPY EDITOR COLIN MCCANDLESS BRAND AMBASSADOR SONYA BUCKHANNON SONYA@ISLANDVIBESIOP.COM PHOTOGRAPHY RACHEL BASYE COOPERRIVERPHOTOGRAPHY.COM DIGITAL DIRECTOR ALLYAH HARRAR ALLYAH@ISLANDVIBESIOP.COM SOCIAL MEDIA MANAGER ALYSSA FRANCO THEDIGITALTOUCHCHS@GMAIL.COM WEB CONTENT INTEGRATOR ANTHONY MACCHIO CONTRIBUTORS RYAN BUCKHANNON • KATIE FINCH LAURA FOGARTY • MAURICE FRAZIER ALLYAH HARRAR • L. C. LEACH III • COLIN MCCANDLESS • MEL MILES • KIMBERLYN NAYLOR • JULIE NESTLER • PHILLIP POUNDS SARAH ROSE • ALEX STONE SALES REPRESENTATIVES STACEY MCLOUGHLIN STACEY@ISLANDVIBESIOP.COM SHERI ROSE SHERI@ISLANDVIBESIOP.COM COLLEEN KASSNER COLLEEN@ISLANDVIBESIOP.COM PAUL SMITH PAUL@ISLANDVIBESIOP.COM ADMINISTRATION & BOOKKEEPING GINGER SOTTILE BOSS DOG REGGIE DISTRIBUTION ISLE OF PALMS • WILD DUNES • GOAT ISLAND • DEWEES ISLAND • ISLE OF PALMS VACATION RENTALS • HARRIS TEETER ASHEVILLE/HENDERSON AIRPORT ALL SC WELCOME CENTERS DIRECT MAIL VIA US POST OFFICE Homes on Isle of Palms and Sullivans Island Affluent neighborhoods rotated monthly Charlotte, Raleigh, Greensboro, Asheville NC Buckhead, Druid Hills, Decatur, Atlanta George Island Vibes is published locally by a team of independent contractors. Island Vibes is published 12 times per year by Islands Publishing LLC. 1013 Chuck Dawley Blvd., Mount Pleasant, SC 29464 Copyright © Islands Publishing LLC. All rights reserved. Reproduction electronically or in print format without the expressed written consent of the publisher is strictly prohibited and a violation of U.S. copyright laws. Content, including editorial, advertising or comments, that threatens, harasses or degrades others may be revoked or refused from print and online publication at the sole discretion of Island Vibes. Inquiries to: Island Vibes P.O. Box 22617, Charleston, SC 29413 learn about the Isle of Palms. Now that she knows we also publish Mount Pleasant Magazine and Charleston Women, she is going to include all three of our publications. Pete told us about their first trip to Isle of Palms in 2014 while vacationing in Wild Dunes. He said it was love at first sight. Before they left Pete and Trish said this would be their new home someday and she was just as excited as him about the idea. Anyone who knows me knows I love publishing. One of the main reasons why I’m so passionate about our publications is getting the opportunity to share the stories of the community we serve. When the conversation presents itself, I always ask how people found our slice of coastal Carolina paradise and what inspired them to move here. Since I’ve been publishing community publications for decades, I’ve asked that question hundreds of times. Over the years the answers I’ve received have helped me navigate various methods to reach prospects who are interested in vacationing, secondary-home ownership or purchasing permanent homes along the Carolina coast. These methods include mailing Island Vibes to towns whose residents are known to vacation on the Isle of Palms. Every edition of Island Vibes has been distributed to such areas. The March issue was mailed to affluent Atlanta zip codes in and around Buckhead and the February edition was mailed to affluent Charlotte zip codes. Every issue is shipped to all South Carolina Welcome Centers as well as the Asheville Regional Airport. The April issue of Island Vibes and the March/April issue of Mount Pleasant Magazine will be distributed in Augusta during The Masters golf tournament, which inspired our spectacular cover (Read more on Page 5). Thanks for helping us spread positive vibes on Isle of Palms this spring and all year round! Stay vibrant, Bill Macchio Publisher will shield you from both the sun and pollen. Look for one with mesh sides to keep the allergens at bay while you enjoy the breeze. • Protect your peepers Sunglasses and a wide-brimmed hat can protect your eyes and hair from pollen. Opt for lightweight, long-sleeved clothing if you’re highly sensitive. • Stick to the sand Coastal grasses release high amounts of pollen, especially on windy days. Stick to sandy areas or main beach paths for minimal exposure. • Rinse and repeat After swimming or lounging, rinse off at beach showers to wash away any pollen clinging to your skin, hair or clothing. Before we know it, the mean green pestilence will be gone for another year. Until then, stay prepared and breathe easy! Positively yours, Zach Giroux Editor
Par-fection! That’s the most appropriate and punniest way to describe our April front cover. Spring is synonymous with three things: pollen, allergies and finally, golf season. The green and yellow color scheme is not from the powdery allergen that is floating around and sticking to everything and everyone. It’s a tribute to the greatest game ever played and arguably the most difficult exam in all of golf -- The Masters. A tradition unlike any other. For non-golfers or beginners just picking up the game, The Masters is one of the most prestigious golf tournaments in the world, held every year at Augusta National Golf Club in Georgia. It’s known for its Southern charm, pageantry, tranquility and otherworldly beauty. About the Cover A tradition unlike any other By Zach Giroux 5 NEWS Harbor Course $8M renovation to enhance drainage, limit flooding Stormwater protection plan pending legal review By L. C. Leach III Since its opening in 1985, the Harbor Golf Course at Wild Dunes has received a lot of kudos: challenging design, beautiful views of marshes and lagoons and varied play and strategy to test the skills of even the most avid golfer. Now, this Tom Fazio-designed course is getting a more than $8 million makeover, with the intention of not only maintaining its top level of play, but to keep the course from eventually falling to growing floodwaters and storms. “This is the first renovation on this big of a scale since the 1985 opening,” said Terri Haack, managing director for Wild Dunes Resort. “Renovation will happen to varying degrees on all 18 holes.” The scope of work, which began March 3, will include rebuilding and enlarging greens and tee complexes, renovating cart paths and a new irrigation system to allow for more efficient golf course watering, leading to water conservation. “Work is scheduled to be completed at the end of October 2025,” Haack said. “Holes 9 and 10 that parallel the Intracoastal Waterway will be raised in elevation to assist in seasonal tidal flooding.” As flooding has become an ongoing issue across the island, the City of Isle of Palms is seeking to enter into an agreement with Wild Dunes to earmark $600,000 to incorporate flood protection work into the course renovations. This desired arrangement came on the heels of the city’s intention to implement a stormwater resiliency project that includes the construction of a flood barrier elevated to 6 feet across central portions of the island – later upgraded to 7 feet after a December 2023 storm. However, this potential arrangement has stalled due to a legal review of how the money would flow from the city to Wild Dunes to the contractor. “That legal review put the ownership in an uneasy position,” said City Administrator Douglas Kerr during the March 11 IOP City Council workshop. “Their ownership feels like if it’s their contractor and their property, it’s going to be seen as their project – and that there is additional liability that they’re assuming by participating with us.” At this point, Kerr recommended two possible courses of action: to either salvage the potential agreement, by the city working with Wild Dunes to appease their concerns, or to fall back on the original plan of protecting up to 6 feet. “Unfortunately, that plan puts that protection on the wrong side of those properties that they are concerned about,” Kerr said, adding that the only way to realistically go from 6 feet of protection to 7 feet “is to do it within the limits of the golf course.” “And there’s a very short window here to have all this pulled together,” Kerr said. Haack, however, believes that the partnership will eventually be worked out. “We have a strong desire to work with the City of Isle of Palms,” she said. “Long-term liability issues for both sides need to be resolved before moving forward.” Picture a perfectly manicured course with luscious rolling hills, scattered with vibrant azaleas and magnolias and not a blade of grass out of place. It’s so immaculate you could eat a pimento cheese sandwich off the fairways and greens. However, be sure not to get any stains on the trophy, the coveted Green Jacket. The same can be said for the Harbor and Links golf courses within Wild Dunes Resort on Isle of Palms. These two world-class golf courses were both designed by legendary golf course designer and architect Tom Fazio and offer a quintessential South Carolina golf experience while enjoying stunning views of both the Atlantic Ocean and the Intracoastal Waterway. The Harbor Golf Course (pictured on the cover), challenges players with its intricate layout and stunning water features complete with lagoons and salt marshes. The Links Course, Fazio's first-ever design, features rustling palms, lush rolling fairways and breathtaking oceanic views. Fortunately, our team and the Easter Bunny received a special invitation to come play. The kind and accommodating pro shop staff even provided us with clubs and golf carts. After rolling a few putts the Easter Bunny swiftly became a natural. He even won his very own Green Jacket. Better watch out, Jack! Get well soon Tiger so we can hear you roar once again. Get outside and tee it up because spring fun is officially in full swing. Happy Easter and Merry Masters! To book a tee time or reservation, visit hyatt. com/destination-by-hyatt/wilddunes-charleston-island-resort/experiences/golf. Construction crews begin excavation on the Harbor Course at Wild Dunes Resort.
Dr. Jaclyn Lanham 843.894.0955 | 1022 Carolina Blvd.Isle of Palms, SC Wellness by the Sea Regenerative Medicine & Aesthetics Comprehensive Services For Men & Women! Neurotoxins & Regenerative Injectable Fillers Aquafirme XS Ultimate Facial CoolPeel Resurfacing BioRePeel (“No Peel” Chemical Peel) IPL, Frax 1550/1940 Tattoo & Permanent Make-Up Removal Microneedling and RF Microneedling High-End Upgrades to Minimize Downtime! Hair/Scalp Restoration (thinning hair) Sexual Health/Wellness Consultation Vaginal Rejuvenation Consultation Injectable Vitamins/Peptides Medical-Grade Skincare Respiratory Health via Halotherapy GRAND OPENING EVENT Thursday May 8, 6 - 8pm Open for Business, April 21 FOUNDERS MEMBERSHIPS AND PACKAGE SPECIALS CALL/TEXT TO LEARN MORE, SCAN CODE TO BOOK AN APPOINTMENT, OR REGISTER FOR THE EVENT
If you like working with revenue projections, financial statements, budgeting processes, costs for long-term projects and all the details that go with them, you could have an opportunity to become the financial analyst with the City of Isle of Palms. The new full-time position will not only solve a long-standing concern with administrative staff, but is intended to better handle the growing responsibilities of the city. “The financial analyst position has been in the budget for the past two years,” said IOP Human Resources Manager Janice Ladd. “With the timing of Debbie Suggs retiring as the finance director and the hiring of Debra Hamilton, we decided to wait for Debra to onboard and decide the needs of her department.” As of March 13, Ladd had received five applications for the position. The primary responsibility of the new hire will be to plan and execute accounting functions. Some of the duties and required skills for the position will include: • Skilled in forecasting, including revenue projections, debt service, capital outlays, personnel cost and operational cost for current and long-term projects, including developing and analyzing information pertaining to market price fluctuations and industry trends. • Develop and update resource plans and financial models for budgeting processes. • Streamline accounting software with budget model and financial statement presentation. • Summarize data or other non-quantifiable information, setting forth current and long-term economic indicators, business trends and environmental factors pertinent to tourism, inflation rates and other revenue and expenditures. • Evaluate federal and state laws for changes in policies that change or affect funding through grants and other governmental sources. • Review and evaluate all city contracts for compliance and future financial impact on the city’s financial projections. • Evaluate other investment opportunities for the city’s investment accounts. • Evaluate demographic trends including growth or aging population as it pertains to the financial impact of the city. • Develop and implement automated reporting and forecasting tools to enhance data utilization and provide actionable recommendations. • Create a system to reconcile State Accommodations Tax, County Accommodations Tax and city licenses (business and/or short-term rentals) and perform periodic audits. • Assist with other accounting functions including monthly and quarterly reconciliations and reporting, budget preparation, year-end calendar processes and the fiscal year-end audit. • Monitor and manage job costs for both major and minor projects. • Oversee fixed asset schedules, including departmental asset sales and proper insurance coverage. • Knowledge of the theory and practice of governmental accounting. • Knowledge of federal, state and local laws pertaining to the administration of public funds. The financial analyst must also be able to analytically solve routine and emergency problems as they arise. Interested candidates are encouraged to visit the city’s website at Online Application for Employment and submit an online application, resume and cover letter by April 7. For more information, visit NEWS 7 City seeks first-ever financial analyst By L. C. Leach III POINT • SCAN SUBSCRIBE IOP WE Keep a piece of Isle of Palms with you no matter where you live. We will mail you POSITIVE VIBES anywhere in the U.S.
(Lindsey) Graham into the governor’s office.” “Their strong ties to South Carolina’s legislative delegation was a key component to our selection,” Bogosian said. “And ultimately, to get anything at the federal level, it really has to be sponsored by your state contingent.” Another factor was TRP’s background and record. Ranked as the No. 7 lobbying firm out of 2,100plus federal lobbying firms reviewed by Bloomberg and Politico in 2024, TRP currently represents more than 270 clients in 11 states including Florida, Montana, California, Texas and Oregon. In South Carolina, TRP already acts for the interests of nine entities, which include the City of Greenville in the Upstate, Richland County a premium for a missed opportunity to acquire the talent needed to provide the best long-term administrative leadership for our residents, visitors and businesses." But the hiring and the process weren’t the only objections. After Kerr was approved as the new city administrator, Hahn made a motion to “authorize staff to negotiate a salary package with Mr. Kerr, within the parameters discussed in executive session.” The vote carried 5-4 in favor of the motion, and then again at the regular council meeting on March 25. Following an executive session to discuss the city’ administrator’s employment contract, council then voted 5-4 to renegotiate Kerr’s salary per his new role. A number of residents and all four dissenting council members spoke against the outcome, the process, and the renegotiation. Councilwoman Jan Anderson Jan a couple more key retirements coming in the next 18 months,” Pounds said. “Institutional knowledge becomes more critical and important in addition to the basic skills to do the city administrator job. Douglas has been an exemplary employee of IOP for over 28 years and in my opinion was the right hire for us.” Despite the internal hiring controversy, Kerr said he is ready to help resolve the island’s current challenges, as well as any new ones that arise. “I happen to have worked a full career in a location that is prosperous and beautiful, so for me, these building blocks have contributed to my work being enormously rewarding,” Kerr added. “In the field of city planning, each day is a series of decisions or approvals or reviews that at the time seem mundane and ordinary, but as time passes those decisions begin to stack up and become visible in a community.” More government money for economic development, stormwater flooding control, wastewater improvements and many other items has led Isle of Palms city leaders to hire Thorn Run Partners (TRP) as its federal lobbying firm. TRP, founded in 2010 and located in Washington, D.C., was selected by a a unanimous council vote on March 25, following a process that reduced the search to two candidate firms. “We use lobbyists to find grants and to lobby for government programs that will benefit the island,” said IOP Councilman Blair Hahn. “The current needs include grants and programs to provide federal assistance with beach renourishment and flood mitigation.” The choice for TRP came out of discussion and ultimate recommendation by members of the council’s Administration Committee and the Isle of Palms Water and Sewer Commission. In a report given on March 11 during a council workshop, committee chair John Bogosian said TRP “offered a lot of South Carolina links, especially to Sen. in the Midlands, the College of Charleston and Roper Hospital in downtown Charleston. TRP partner Jim Davenport, who authored the proposal for Isle of Palms, indicated that many of the firm’s current clients — such as Gulfport, Florida, and Bloomington, Illinois — are similar in the types of challenges as those faced by Isle of Palms. “With our support, the City of Isle of Palms and the Isle of Palms Water and Sewer Commission will benefit from proactive federal engagement,” Davenport said, “keeping lawmakers informed of critical local issues such as water, sewer, recreation, road improvements, economic development, stormwater drainage needs and shoreline protection/beach renourishment, among many others.” Expectations are that it will take two years for the city to see what Bogosian called “any appreciable payback.” “But this is the right thing to do for the broader good,” said Mayor Phillip Pounds. 8 Kerr named next city administrator City hires lobbying firm to fight for island issues at federal level By L. C. Leach III NEWS own responsibility as an elected councilman was to select who he thought was the best person to fill "a critical leadership role for the city and thought one of the other candidates had more experience and was better qualified.” Pierce went one step further, saying, “The hiring process was irreparably corrupted and unfair to all 79 applicants that followed the process from the start.” “The three finalists possessed advanced qualifications in experience, supervision, education, plus brought long-established state and federal connections. All were clearly motivated by community service and career opportunity, versus only money,” Pierce said. “In my opinion, Isle of Palms will pay From page 3 Anderson said that while she thinks “Douglas Kerr will serve us well,” she did not favor the new compensation because “it is 25% or 30% more than our former administrator.” Councilwoman Katie Miars Miars added, “I will never forgive myself for being a part of the city council that failed to give Miss Fragoso the pay increase that she deserved…that then turned around and gave a $38,000 pay increase to a man with less qualifications.” According to the city’s public salary ranges for 2024, the city administrator’s annual pay rate is $142,473 with a maximum of $202,796. Kerr’s new salary was not disclosed at the meeting. Mayor Phillip Pounds defended the process and decision partly due to Kerr’s longevity with the city. “In the last 5-plus years, we have had a new police chief, fire chief, recreation director and finance director and we have
✴ Hit the water – Whether you’re wading, boogie boarding or just floating with a pool noodle, staying in the ocean is the easiest way to keep your body temperature down. ✴ Take a bike ride – A morning or late afternoon ride around the island lets you enjoy the scenery with a built-in breeze. ✴ Chase the shade – The Isle of Palms Recreation Center has shaded picnic areas and even a playground if the kids need a break from the beach. LOCAL SPOTS TO COOL OFF INDOORS Sometimes, the best way to refresh There’s nothing like a sunsoaked day on the Isle of Palms — the ocean glistening, the breeze rolling in and the sand warm beneath your toes. But let’s be real: the South Carolina heat and humidity can be intense and no one wants their perfect beach day ruined by sunburn or heat exhaustion. The key? Soaking up the sunshine safely. Here’s how to enjoy every sun-kissed second while staying cool, safe and comfortable. SUN SAFETY 101 Before you even hit the sand, let’s talk about sun protection. It’s easy to lose track of time when you’re lounging by the waves but trust us, your skin will remind you later if you’re not careful. ✴ Lather up – A broad-spectrum SPF 30+ sunscreen is your best friend. Apply it generously before heading out and reapply every two hours (or more if you’re swimming). ✴ Seek shade – A beach umbrella, 9 OPINION Daylight Savings: Time to safely soak up the sunshine By Katie Finch 2025 ® Sean Sheppard,Owner voted THE BEST TRAINER/COACH in Mount Pleasant! VETERAN OWNED AND OPERATED Follow for more @rugd_training_and_fitness • PERSONAL TRAINING • MASSAGE • PARTNER TRAINING 843-606-2047 1985 RIVIERA DR. SUITE 101 MOUNT PLEASANT, SC tent or a well-placed palm tree can give you a break from the rays while still letting you enjoy the ocean breeze. ✴ Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate – Bring a big reusable water bottle and sip throughout the day. Dehydration sneaks up fast in the heat. FUN WAYS TO STAY COOL OUTDOORS Beating the heat doesn’t mean cutting your beach day short, just get creative with how you keep cool. is to step inside for a bit. Luckily, the Isle of Palms has plenty of spots to chill — literally. ✴ Hudson’s Market & Cafe (at Wild Dunes) – Grab a cold iced coffee or smoothie to recharge. ✴ Just Beachy – An excuse to shop and soak up some AC? Yes, please. ✴ The Dinghy – A casual stop where you can grab a cold drink and enjoy the shade. Sunshine and good vibes are what Isle of Palms is all about; just remember to play it smart, stay cool and enjoy every bright, beautiful moment.
island as a top-tier family-friendly destination, supporting our business community and fostering an environment where residents, visitors and entrepreneurs thrive. If you’re a local business owner or resident, we invite you to become a member. The momentum is growing, and together, we can make Isle of Palms the ultimate place to live, work and visit. Warm regards, Alex Stone IV President, IOP Chamber of Commerce The Isle of Palms Chamber of Commerce has been hard at work ensuring our island is recognized as the premier family-friendly destination it deserves to be. Over the past four months, we have launched a targeted digital marketing campaign to showcase the beauty, charm and family-oriented opportunities that make Isle of Palms a must-visit location. The results? A resounding success that is driving real economic impact. With an initial investment of $15,000 in ATAX funding, our geo-targeted digital ads reached over 1.2 million people across key markets like Atlanta, Raleigh, Charlotte, Greensboro and Knoxville. These efforts generated roughly 28,000 ad clicks and a conversion rate of 13.9%, which, based on industry trends and available data, could conservatively translate to approximately 272 actual bookings. Using average visitor spending estimates, this could result in $1.6 million in direct revenue for local businesses — from lodging and dining to activities and retail. Additionally, if these estimates hold, the potential tax revenue generated from these visits could be around $185,734, demonstrating how a modest investment in strategic marketing has the potential to drive significant economic benefits for the entire community. Our marketing campaign didn’t just create awareness — it delivered results. We introduced a free stay promotion that drew 3,895 entries in just one month, providing invaluable insights into visitor trends. Most entrants had never visited the island before, proving our reach extended beyond the usual audience and into new, untapped markets. Building on this momentum, we recently presented these successes (Phase 1) to the ATAX Committee, advocating for additional funding 10 BUSINESS Chamber Notes Come one, come all: A must-visit, family-friendly destination By Alex Stone IV President, IOP Chamber of Commerce Living and Selling the Lowcountry Lifestyle #1 Isle of Palms Realtor - 2024 IOP RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE 1100 Palm Blvd. 2C Isle of Palms, SC 29451 Amy Rogers REALTOR OF DISTINCTION 843-824-4892 As seen on to expand our reach and drive even greater economic benefits to our local businesses and the city. The chamber is committed to using data-driven strategies to ensure every dollar invested in marketing produces maximum returns for Isle of Palms. In addition to our marketing efforts, chamber membership is on the rise, with new faces and fresh energy joining our mission to strengthen the local business community. As we enter spring, we are reimagining our speaker series at the monthly chamber meetings to bring in experts who can provide valuable insights on digital advertising, tourism trends, economic forecasts, sponsorship opportunities and more — topics that directly impact our local businesses. To put it plainly, we are energized by the progress we’ve made and even more excited about what’s ahead. We are committed to positioning the
ment among residents. These recommendations are for council to prioritize and act upon in alignment with the city’s strategic plan. I encourage every member of our community to take the time to review this report available at Your feedback is invaluable as we move forward with the implementation of these recommendations. Together, we can ensure that the Isle of Palms becomes the most sustainable, family-friendly beach community in South Carolina. I am excited about the future and the positive changes that lie ahead. I am encouraged by the care, passion and dedication shown by our community members who are eager to give back and contribute to making Isle of Palms a great place for residents and visitors. report can be found on pages 3-40 here: I encourage you to review the report, provide feedback and join in our commitment to protect and enhance the resilience of our beach. 2. Community Enrichment Task Force – Appointed by city council in late 2023, this effort is the culmination of the hard work and dedication exhibited by this team of 13 residents who produced the Community Enrichment Plan. Over the course of one year, this group met regularly to assess our community's needs and develop thoughtful recommendations aimed at enhancing the quality of life for all residents and visitors on Isle of Palms. Their work is rooted with substantial community input, including a community-wide survey and two community listening sessions held at the IOP Recreation Center. The insights and recommendations generated by the task force are anchored in the belief that our community thrives when we prioritize collaboration and proactive engagement. Their recommendations encompass a variety of initiatives from enhancing public safety to balancing tourism with quality of life and environmental stewardship, while also fostering initiatives that promote connection and engage11 CIVICS Mayor’s Message Positive environmental changes in full bloom By Phillip Pounds Mayor, Isle of Palms Spring has arrived! This means warmer temperatures, pollen, blooming plants and of course, our crowds start returning. I want to touch on two significant deliverables recently presented to city council from resident groups that met for the bulk of 2024 and early 2025. But first, a huge thank you and shout out to every member of our community who participated in these efforts and volunteered many hours doing research, attending meetings and working together to develop solutions to address city issues and ultimately, to improve our quality of life. Also, a big thank you to our staff for supporting each of these groups. 1. Beach Preservation Ad Hoc Committee – This committee was established by city council in January 2024. Its members included Tim Ahmuty, Dan Slotchiver, Cindi Solomon, Andrew Vega, Mayor Phillip Pounds and Councilmembers Katie Miars and Scott Pierce. The committee was supported by then City Administrator Desirée Fragoso, then Deputy City Administrator Douglas Kerr and Steven Traynum from Coastal Science & Engineering. Throughout the year, the committee convened 24 times to study the complexities of the beach erosion issue and engage with a range of stakeholders, including representatives from state and federal permitting agencies and staff and elected officials from other beach communities facing similar challenges. It explored innovative solutions aimed at preserving our precious beach. The goals and tasks of this committee included: 1) Reviewing overall beach restoration policies. 2) Developing recommendations for a more proactive response to beach erosion. 3) Developing new and consistent funding mechanisms for future needs and projects. The committee developed 21 actionable recommendations that were presented to city council in January. The full
12 CRIME TURN UP YOUR MANNERS Our top crime this month? Noise violations. Yes, folks, it seems that Isle of Palms residents have a very loose definition of "quiet hours." The biggest offenders? Beachgoers who confused their vacation rental with a music festival and one unfortunate retiree who just really enjoys his classic rock at full volume. Officers reminded citizens that while Jimmy Buffett is eternal, your neighbor’s patience is not. IT’S ORGANIC AND ILLEGAL Several individuals were caught with small amounts of marijuana and in one case, an offender tried to claim his baggie of greenery was actually "oregano for his grandma’s spaghetti." Nice try, buddy… Arrivederci. FUELED BY FOOLISHNESS In a stunning revelation, multiple individuals discovered that, yes, driving does require a valid license. And insurance. And sobriety. Not to be outdone, one driver managed to be both uninsured and under the influence — truly a multi-tasker. BITE CLUB Two separate dog bite incidents were reported, leading some to wonder if the local pups have formed an underground fight club. First rule of Bite Club: Don’t talk about Bite Club. PARTY POLITELY OR INVITE YOUR NEIGHBORS The following incidents were obtained from the Isle of Palms Police Department Media Log Reports. This is a parody of real criminal events that occurred between February and March. The names of individuals and business locations have been omitted out of privacy and respect. Welcome back to another installment of "Who's Causing a Ruckus on the Island?” your premier guide to what not to do in public. Stay safe, stay quiet and for heaven’s sake — get your driver’s license! POLICE BLOTTER
The Family Vacation Rental Group hosted its inaugural FVR/First Responders Appreciation BBQ on March 26 and also showed its appreciation to the city’s staff. We are excited to introduce ourselves as a dedicated group of 17 family vacation rental property management companies committed to enhancing the quality of life in our beloved Isle of Palms community. Our primary mission is to be a good neighbor and positively contribute to the vibrant atmosphere that makes this island truly special. Our Commitment to the Community We understand that the vacation rental industry impacts residential neighborhoods. Therefore, we have come together as a group of compassionate professionals to foster strong relationships with residents and support the Isle of Palms community. Here’s how we plan to achieve this: Listening to Residents We recognize the importance of open communication. We are eager to listen to your concerns, ideas and feedback. Your insights are invaluable in shaping our practices and ensuring Spring weather has the beach bunnies hopping around and that means it’s time for the Isle of Palms Recreation Center to host its annual Easter Egg Hunt. The festivities will include candy, fun and the Easter Bunny, of course. This year, the Easter Egg Hunt is scheduled for April 18, on Good Friday, from noon to 2 p.m. The recreation center will hold the event COMMUNITY 13 rain or shine and all are invited. Schools will be dismissed early that day, so no children will miss out. In previous years, attendance has reached hundreds and this year, the recreation center anticipates around 800 participants. There will be four different age categories for the egg hunt: • 3 & Under Easter Egg Hunt to hop on rain or shine By Maurice J. Frazier • 4-6 • 7-8 • 9-12 Staff will scatter several hundred plastic eggs across the grounds. Once the children collect the eggs, they can turn them in for candy. In addition to candy, there will be jump castles, face painting, music by Paul Coleman from DeepWater Church and concessions. “Family-friendly fun for all! It’s a quick event; however, it’s wonderfully organized chaos,” explained Kelsey Marsh, recreation supervisor-special events. “Many people attend it and it’s delightful to witness, especially the younger kids who run around excitedly searching for eggs. Then, it’s all over in a few minutes.” Bring the family out to enjoy this gathering celebrating the Easter holiday. There are plenty of eggs to go around for everyone. For more information, visit FVR feeds, thanks first responders and city staff By Mel Miles that we align with our community’s needs. Collaboration with Local Authorities We are committed to working closely with the Isle of Palms city staff and public safety officials. By collaborating with these key stakeholders, we aim to address any issues promptly and effectively, ensuring the safety and well-being of all residents (and visitors alike). Good Neighbor Policy Each member of our group has adopted a comprehensive Good Neighbor Policy. This policy outlines our commitment to respectful and responsible property management practices, which include: • Maintaining open lines of communication with neighbors. • Adhering to noise ordinances and promoting peaceful enjoyment of the neighborhood. • Ensuring that vacation rental guests are informed about local regulations. • Community engagement and giving back through improvement initiatives, local service projects and events. We believe in actively giving back to the community. Our group regularly participates in local events and supports charitable initiatives that benefit Isle of Palms. Whether it’s participating in beach clean-ups, contributing to local nonprofits or supporting our public safety and other local businesses, we are dedicated to making a positive impact. Promoting Mutual Benefits Our goal is to create a mutually beneficial relationship between our group of professionally-managed vacation rentals companies and the residents of Isle of Palms. We recognize that successful coexistence requires cooperation and understanding. By fostering a sense of community among all of us, we aim to protect the unique charm and beauty of our island home. How You Can Get Involved We invite you to join and engage with us. We will host regular meetings where residents can share their thoughts and ideas which will strengthen our bond and enhance our collective efforts. Keep an eye out for announcements! Thank you for welcoming us as your neighbors. We look forward to working together to create a harmonious environment that benefits all, ensuring that our island remains a wonderful place to live, work and visit. The Family Vacation Rental Group (FVR), comprised of 17 locally and professionally-managed vacation rental companies, has been recently organized to improve communication and livability with our residents. Representing approximately 90% of all professionally-managed properties, we are committed to being a responsible and caring member of the Isle of Palms community. Warm regards, Family Vacation Rental Group "This is so generous and our firefighters enjoyed it. We are lucky to serve such a supportive and caring community." — IOPFD Fire Chief Craig Oliverius
The Law Enforcement Neighborhood Support group will hold its Neighborhood Block Party honoring the Isle of Palms police and fire departments on May 12 at Islander 71. The family-friendly event will feature live music, food stations, games and activities, jugglers and a fire truck display. There will be raffles and drawings for prizes, along with face painting and much more. “The LENS Block Party is a great opportunity for the people of Isle of Palms to come together and show our support for our IOP public safety personnel,” shared Mark Mitchell, LENS deputy director and IOPPD liaison. LENS is IOP’s angel in disguise. They are always present and ready to step in when needed. Their board, volunteers and panel have collaborated to create programs and initiatives that positively impact the community. These programs include the Leadership Series, LENS Lieutenants and Firefighter Founders. LENS initiatives offer hardship awards that provide financial assistance to first responders and community members facing unexpected challenges. The Education Scholarships Program grants scholarships to members of the IOP fire and police departments, as well as their school-aged children and spouses. LENS has provided seven food trucks and three food vendors. At least 34 unique interest vendors will showcase everything from sweetgrass baskets to cookies. For those who enjoy the appeal and nostalgia of classic cars, the car show is the perfect complement to the event. The car show will include several antique, special-interest collectibles and muscle automobiles. “We have a British car, some corvettes and a 1965 replica of a Backdraft Cobra coming. We are very excited about the car selection, which includes a 1935 Plymouth that will steal the hearts of car enthusiasts. So, if you’re a car enthusiast this is the perfect event for you,” added Cox. The IOP Recreation Center is expecting a big turnout at Art & Cars in the Park, as there is something for everyone to enjoy. Come out and committee composed of residents and the rec’s art instructor. The jury chose the artists based on the artwork they submitted. The selected artists will also set up near the oaks,” said Tammy Cox, assistant recreation director. Cox shared that in addition to artists displaying their work, there will be On April 12 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., the Isle of Palms Recreation Department will host Art & Cars in the Park, featuring local artists, hot rod and muscle cars and a range of food vendors posted up beneath the oak trees. “The artists participating in the art show were blindly selected by a COMMUNITY 14 Car show to rev up local art scene By Maurice J. Frazier LENS Block Party to promote those who protect By Maurice J. Frazier 1935 Plymouth essential support to IOP on many levels, significantly enhancing its ability to serve the community. Normally during Public Safety Week, LENS hosts an annual event to honor IOP’s first responders. Instead of holding their annual recognition and appreciation event, LENS invites the community to come out and participate in the block party. “We’re very excited about this year’s neighborhood block party, where locals of all ages can come together to celebrate and support the amazing public safety workers who do so much for our community,” stated Rob Hauff, LENS department director and IOPFD liaison. The fundraiser's tickets are $75 per person and children under 16 can attend free with an accompanying parent. The ticket price covers all activities, food, beverages and more. For more information on the Neighborhood Block Party or to purchase tickets, visit Neighborhood BLOCK PARTY live music food stations Balloon Art Juggler Stilt Walker Fairy Hair & Face Painting Beaded bracelet station hula hoop station selfie station Interactive Touch Tank 30 minute Eco Boat tour Excursions Fire truck display Special Favors Drawing & 50/50 draw Free Parking Family-friendly fun! Join us for a community event to support the Isle of Palms Police and Fire Departments! LENS FOUNDATION IOP PRESENTS May 12, 2025 I 5:00 pm I Islander 71 LENSIOP.ORG $75 PER PERSON. KIDS UNDER 16 ARE FREE WITH ACCOMPANYING PARENT. *TICKET SALES DIRECTLY SUPPORT THE ISLE OF PALMS FIRST RESPONDERS. REGISTER support local artists and area small businesses. For more information, visit
The Isle of Palms Recreation Center is hosting an enlightening literary event for book lovers on April 12, the Tree Hugs Book Walk. The book walk is designed to encourage reading, multi-culturalism and outdoor physical activities for children and families. A Tree Hugs Book Walk is an engaging and educational activity that transforms a children’s book into a series of large panels displayed along popular walking routes in plazas, parks, schools or community spaces. The stories featured at the IOP Rec Center will change every two months and a new, global award-winning author with educational, environmental and socially conscious themes in their work will be highlighted. In celebration of Earth Day, the first featured story is the children’s book “Tree Hugs,” which is focused on ecosystems, particularly the importance of trees. “Tree Hugs” is about a friendly tree in the park, where Lupita and Roberto discover that trees are full of life. Their branches, with abundant leaves, protect us, providing shade and oxygen. Trees also serve as homes for multiple ecosystems, supporting various animals, plants and insects. Lupita and Roberto’s discovery will change their perspective on trees forever. The bilingual Tree Hugs Book Walk ribbon-cutting ceremony will start at 10:30 a.m. The Educational Tree Hugs Stroll and Learn will start at 11 a.m. “Following the Tree Hugs Book Walk and ceremony, participants can join arborist Ash Connelly, VP & lead arborist, Charleston Tree Experts, for the Stroll and Learn. They will walk around and discuss everything tree-related,” explained IOP Recreation Center Assistant Director Tammy Cox. The event is free and open to the public. For more information, visit iop. net/recreation/programs-classes/ adult-programs#speakerSeries. Book walk to educate readers on vital role of trees By Maurice J. Frazier 15 Book your Spring Family Session, Today! E-mail Rachel Basye at Timeless Family Moments, Framed by the Beauty of the Island! FOR MORE, VISIT COOPERRIVERPHOTOGRAPHY.COM OF VACATION RENTALS THE GOLD STANDARD ISLE OF PALMS, SC IOPESCAPES.COM 843.456.46O6 COMMUNITY Tax Questions? CALL TODAY! 843.886.6218 James M.Ward, CPA, PC CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT 2207 Hartnett Blvd., Isle of Palms, SC
11th Ave / Carolina Blvd The pride of Isle of Palms, SC today, tomorrow and always. The pride of Isle of Palms, SC today, tomorrow and always. THE-WINDJAMMER.COM ISLANDREALTY.COM 866.380.3983 The Rental Experts! 843.456.4606 CHARLESTON COAST VACATIONS Real Estate Sales 800.476.8444 Vacation Rentals 888.250.8730 Treat Yourself on the Isle of Palms 843.894.0955 | 1022 Carolina Blvd. Suite 301 | Isle of Palms, SC · Facials · Microneedling · Laser · Chemical Peels 6 8 7 2 9 9 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 10 AM- 5 PM 2434 N. HWY 17 MOUNT PLEASANT, SC PLEASE CALL INFORMATION LINE AT 843-856-5366 FOR LATEST UPDATES Learn more at 5 5 8 10 isle of palms RENTALS & SALES! 12 12 isle of palms RENTALS & SALES!
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