Island Vibes April 2024 9 From Page 3 NEWS “No matter how many times the Department directs them to stop their unauthorized work, they continue to perform work in the beach’s critical area without a permit,” said DHEC attorney Brad Churdar in the motion’s document. “Their recalcitrance will cause the public irreparable injury and… has encouraged other beachfront property owners to take similar unauthorized action.” Part of DHEC’s reasoning for the injunction is that the public will suffer immediate and irreparable harm by the blockade in a critical area and the “threat of harm due to the unsafe, dangerous conditions.” Officials with OCRM, the Coastal Conservation League and the City of Isle of Palms have all deemed the structure illegal. Through a recently approved emergency erosion control ordinance by the city council, owners of beachfront properties located between 100 and 914 Ocean Blvd. have until April 19 to build permanent seawall structures on their properties to protect their foundations – within the guidelines and approval of OCRM. The city also plans to have the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers place 550,000 cubic yards of sand in critical areas to help in solving the island’s erosion control issues. Under the emergency ordinance, the Reddys have the option of tearing down the current structure and building another one on their property, “as long as it doesn’t violate the city’s guidelines and OCRM’s guidelines,” noted City Councilman Blair Hahn. “Mr. Reddy has made it very clear that he intends to argue that his seawall is in fact a legal seawall and he intends to keep it there,” Hahn added. “And if we pull back from our position that it is either illegal under OCRM’s jurisdiction or it’s illegal under our jurisdiction and he’s successful, we will end up with a seawalled island. Everybody on the oceanfront will build a seawall.” Hahn noted that the city has been served with six other lawsuits from people in the area citing similar property disputes as the Reddys. “I am going to fight it for myself. I have a constitutional right to protect my property – I’m going to exercise those rights,” said Rom Reddy in an interview in January posted to YouTube by MyLo News labeled “Property Protection: A Founding Pillar of Freedom.” A hearing has been scheduled for April 18 before the SC Administrative Law Court. This is a developing story that will be updated as more information becomes available. Photo Provided. D The pride of Isle of Palms today, tomorrow and always. Become a Marketing Partner! For more information call 843-530-0403 or email Direct mailed to Isle of Palms & Sullivan’s Island residents Statewide distribution through Welcome Centers Each digital version receives a reach of 200,000 impressions Tax Questions? CALL TODAY! 843.886.6218 James M.Ward, CPA, PC CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT 2207 Hartnett Blvd., Isle of Palms, SC